What is Santa Doing Today?
What is Santa doing today? From Thanksgiving week to Christmas Eve he’ll be spotted helping out patients and families at Hurley Children’s Hospital!
With the Vote For Miracles contest discontinued this year, we are faced with $50,000 less in donations this holiday season. We do have a great relationship with Credit Unions for Kids and our local credit unions and we are teaming up to help get patients what they need. Both ELGA Credit Union and Dort Federal Credit Union have pledged to match $5000 in donations. ELGA kicks off our campaign October 25th. Dort wraps up the campaign December 20th.
When not delivering toys, Santa can be seen feeding NICU babies, reading to Pediatric patients, helping moms with laundry so they can care for their sick kids. We even saw him doing Virtual Reality up on our 11th floor!
Our campaign is simple. We know the people of our community can’t all afford to make a big donation. That’s why this holiday season, we are asking for just $5. People can donate at bit.ly/SantaCares4Kids
If everyone who reads this gave just $5 we could afford to buys items to keep kids occupied during their hospital stay. We use donations to buy crayons, coloring books, ipads, VR goggles, dolls, undies for kids to wear when they are here for more than one night and we may soon be able to get a kitty scan. We have a goal for $40,000. We know the caring people of Mid-Michigan can get us there. Happy Holidays everyone.