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Tricia Windom is proof that not every NICU baby comes into the world underweight. At 7lbs, she may have at first glance looked full term. Tricia’s mother had an emergency C-section in a Lapeer hospital after being diagnosed with preeclampsia. At birth, Tricia was in severe distress. She had PDA which stands for Patent ductus arteriosus (otherwise described as an extra blood vessel in the heart) and immediately required life saving interventions.
She was intubated in Lapeer and an ambulance rushed her to Hurley, ultimately breaking down on the way there. Her transport nurse, Mary-Catherine, still works at Hurley Children’s Hospital in the NICU today.
Tricia was on a ventilator at Hurley for three days. Luckily that extra blood vessel closed up on its own and did not require surgery.
Today, Tricia is a respiratory therapist and in February 2024, celebrated 11 years at Hurley, and still rotates through supporting the very unit that saved her life with her own clinical skills.
For Children’s Hospitals Week, we ask that you please donate to keep these miracles coming.