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Hurley Child Life Services

It’s expensive. Many hospitals don’t have them. If your child is sick – you’ll want a hospital that does.

Hurley Children’s Hospital raises money to fund Child Life Services. The Child Life Team is dedicated to catering to children who come here for care. They are in the emergency department, in pre-op surgery, hematology and oncology – any area of the hospital where children are being healed. They sit with kids, hold their hands for procedures. They explain what is going to happen, in terms children can understand.

Children are not small adult patients. Children are children and the hospital can be a scary place with strangers talking to them, using big words – even touching them. Child Life Services uses Medical Play, Music Therapy and Art to help them cope. Children who use our free service often recover quicker.

We have areas in the hospital where kids can just be kids – where they can play to pass the time. It allows parents to leave if they have to, to go to work or care for other children at home.

Yes, it costs the hospital money, but Hurley Children’s Hospital knows your child is worth it. We are dedicated to providing the best care possible. Hurley – #HereForYou